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Step Brother Anthology: Bad Boy (BBW Taboo Billionaire Romance) Page 2
Step Brother Anthology: Bad Boy (BBW Taboo Billionaire Romance) Read online
Page 2
“Jenni, just so you know, you can stay here as long as you want. I am not going to push you out of doors.”
I nodded an acknowledgement as she left, but did not entirely believe her. It would only be a matter of time before she decided that what she wanted was to be alone with that evil man. I had to do something, but I had no idea what. I cried myself to sleep that night, thinking about how one afternoon of passion had caused such a dramatic change in my life. One thing was for sure, it was now time to change my life, get a job and get out of this house.
* * *
I woke up the next morning with a renewed sense of vim and vigor, I was ready to face the challenges in my life. I was smart, I could get a job. So I spent the majority of the day pouring over newspapers and searching the internet for jobs. I made so many phone calls my ears hurt from listening to people, but it was successful. I had set up several interviews for different jobs. They were not glamorous, but they would make me some money. I could save up for a little while and get out of here as soon as possible. It created in me hope and it was helpful to have something to do, to get my mind off of Jean Carlo. There had still not been a message since the lone message last night.
Oh wow! Look at this! A bartender job! I would love to work in a bar. No experience necessary, must be friendly and have an outgoing personality. For an interview call 555-2435. I am going to call right now.
“Thank you for calling the G Spot this is Jim, how can I help you.”
“Oh Hi Jim, I am Jenni, I saw your add in the paper and I wanted to know if I can come in for an interview.”
“Well Jenni, do you have any experience?”
“No, but it said in your ad, I didn’t need any experience.”
“Well at least I know, you know how to read. OK I tell you what, tell me a joke and if I laugh, you can come in for an interview.”
I froze. Never being one that is any good at telling a joke, nor remembering them what was I to do. I was however sitting in front of my computer and knew how to stall. I furiously starting typing into the search engine; JOKES.
“A joke? Is that what you think gives people their personality?”
“Well no, but if you know a joke it is usually a good sign that you are interested in making people happy, through laughter.”
“Fair enough.”
I had stalled long enough to find a joke, I wasn’t sure how appropriate or funny it was it was just the first joke that came up.
“A teacher stands in front of her class and says, Kids, what does a chicken give you, the kids respond? Meat! Very good says the teacher, now what does the cow give you? Milk! Very good kids, the teacher responds and what does the dirty pig give you? Homework!!”
Jim began to laugh hard, so hard it sounded like he spit out whatever was in his mouth.
“That one I have not heard, come down tonight for an interview, be here at open seven pm, if you are good we can get you started tonight.”
“Oh, great, uh, thank you very much, see you tonight.” I said nervously.
I was both excited and scared at the opportunity. Now I was really going to have to go through with it. I was not sure I was ready to work. Yet I was sure that I knew nothing about bartending.
As I dressed for what I hoped would be my first day of work, I began to think again about Jean Carlo, worry set in. I tried to text him on several occasions but I still did not get any response. He could either be hurt, suffering or worse DEAD! I was scared, but I resolved to tell myself that he was fine.
I looked up the bus routes and found the right bus to take to get to the club. Taking the bus to the G Spot, was easy enough and I felt very independent as I arrived at the correct destination.
Who knows, maybe this will be a great place for me to work at.
I nervously walked into the bar and met with Jim, who was very approachable and nice. After a short conversation he offered me to work the night.
“Listen Jenni, I know you don’t have much experience and one day, you may be able to be a bartender. You are smart enough and willing, so why don’t you back up the bar today and learn the craft. If you like it and you are able to keep up we can make a plan for you to become a full-fledged bartender.”
“That sounds great! I am in!”
I was so happy and amazed that I now had a way to make my own money. It had only taken me one day to find a job.
It was a lot of fun that night everyone was kind and happy. They treated me very well, joked around a little bit and patiently explained how things worked. Don’t get me wrong, it was most certainly hard work, but it was a lot of fun and I would definitely do it again. At the end of the night I helped to clean up the bar, then walked out of the front door alone. It felt as if I should not be alone, but what was going to happen anyways.
Walking towards the bus stop, I heard the low rumble of a motorcycle behind me. I turned to look, the motorcycle was all black, with a few red accents. Its rider also wore all black with a tinted visor. I thought that was weird, seeing as how it was night time. How did he see? I continued to walk to the bus stop and noticed the man on the bike had gotten off his bike and was walking behind me. He did not take off his helmet, he was stalking me or so I thought. Racing through my mind were the many stories you hear about women being abducted and raped or worse KILLED! I began to increase the pace of my steps. The biker matched me step for step, I turned down an alleyway in a panic, so did he. Why did I turn down an alleyway? I began to run, he began pursuit. It was then I saw that the alley was a dead end. I had just made this as easy as possible for my attacker. Stopping at the dead end wall, I watched as the biker slowed down his pursuit and then stopped ten feet from me. I held my keys in my hand ready to slash at his face, should something happen. I was shaking in terror.
“What do you want from me?!
In a muffled voice I heard “I told you mfrrhrrhrhfhr.”
“I told you I would mhfrfhhrhhrfhr.”
“I cannot understand what you are saying.”
The unidentified man began walking closer, I clenched my keys even tighter, ready to strike. As he got about three feet from me he removed his helmet, I lunged forward with my keys for his face and he caught my hand. His helmet crashed to the ground and he spun me around. This was it, he was going to rape me and kill me. I breathed heavily but was too scared to scream. I could feel the strangers breath on my neck and felt disgusted at what was about to happen. My heart beat so fast it felt like it was going to rip out of my chest. I began to scream,
He stranger covered my mouth with his gloved hand, then began to whisper in my ear.
“I told you I would come for you.”
What kind of joke is this? I spun around and staring back at me was Jean Carlo.
“Oh my God! Jean Carlo, I was so worried about you! Where have you been? How did you know I was here? Where did you get that motorcycle? You scared the shit out of me!”
“You have questions and I have answers, but there is something I have been needing to do for days now.”
“What is that Jean Carlo?”
Jean Carlo pulled me in close and began passionately kissing me. There began the kiss, a kiss that would be remembered as one of the great kisses of all time. Jean Carlo enveloped me with his lips, his might and his intention. I responded, for that is after all what I had wanted as well. All I ever wanted was to be with Jean Carlo and never was it more apparent than at this moment. We breathed heavily into each other’s mouths as our tongues intertwined. I grabbed at Jean Carlo and he returned the favor. I wanted nothing more than to have him inside me. I wanted to feel his skin and Jean Carlo wanted the same.
I fell to my knees as I undid the zipper on his leather pants. His enormous member popped out of his pants. I had seen it before, but it was still as impressive as the first time I had laid eyes on it. Slowly I moved my hand towards his cock and began stroking it. Jean Carlo braced himself against the wall to try and steady h
imself. Working my way down to my knees I took his cock deep in my mouth flicking my tongue and sucking it like a Popsicle. Jean Carlo moaned and rolled his head around like a man possessed.
After a few minutes, Jean Carlo then lifted me up by my armpits and began to kiss me again. He reached up under my skirt and began rubbing my already wet pussy, which made me shake and writhe. He then pushed his exposed manhood against my now wet panties, rubbing himself against my clit. I moaned with delight.
Jean Carlo pulled down my panties and began sliding his manhood against my bare clit, I was so wet there was almost no friction. He entered me, both of us standing up he entered me. It was something I had never experienced before and the unusual position made it feel all the more enticing. He wrapped his arms around me and began thrusting into my pussy with all the vigor of a teenager. I was immobilized by his arms which were wrapped so tightly around me I couldn’t move. At one point I relaxed all my muscles, I just let go to enjoy the moment. Jean Carlo took my entire weight and held me up. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I relaxed and let Jean Carlo use me as he saw fit. The feeling was so intense because all I had to think about was the feeling of his big cock inside me. Jean Carlo continued to thrust until I began to tense up preparing for orgasm. Jean Carlo pulled me off of him and spun me around exposing my ass to the air. The feeling of the cool night air was like the feeling of a first skinny dip on a cool summer night.
Jean Carlo spread me apart with his thumbs and plunged his manhood deep inside me again. I braced myself on the cold wet wall in front of me as he continued to search for his pleasure inside my pussy. My ass met him with a welcome slap of body against body. I could feel his muscular abs as he continued to use me for his gratification. Jean Carlo reached forward and painfully grabbed handfuls of my breasts, all the while continuing to ram his manhood in my delicate flower. The feeling of orgasm welled up inside me until with a thrust from behind that almost displaced me from the wall, Jean Carlo shot his load deep in my center, I came hard along with him.
We both stayed fixed in our positions, not wanting to move in an attempt to preserve the intensity of the moment. I never wanted to lose this feeling, but knew that it could not possibly stay forever. Righting myself I turned around and looked into Jean Carlo’s strong eyes,
“Where have you been? Are you OK?”
“That tale young lady is a long one, but know this. You and I are meant to be together and my only thoughts as of late have been of you.
“Where were you Jean Carlo? Where have you been.”
“That is not important right now. Come away with me, come away with me forever.”
“How would will live? What would we do for money?”
“Money will never be your worry again.”
“What do you mean.”
“I have more money then any 10 people could spend in a lifetime.”
“How is that possible?”
“I will explain it all later, for now I have to go. Know this though my love. You and I will never have a worry again in life.”
“Jean Carlo, I am going to need some time with all of this. This is all really new to me.”
“I understand, know though that you are everything I want and everything I need. My ever waking desire and ever present thought. I love you Jenni, be mine.”
As he looked at me in the darkness I could not help but feel a little sorry for him because I was not sure I felt the same way. The one thing that I did know is that I was certainly willing to find out. I took Jean Carlo’s hand that night and walked back with him to his Motorcycle, kissed him on the lips and said,
“I will come for you Jean Carlo, I promise.”
Man of the House Obsession
There were things money could not buy and there was something I really wanted.
He was the man of the house, always took care of me. I wanted to show him my gratitude, in the most intimate of ways. We lived a life of privilege and never had to want for anything.
Debbie decided it was time for her to pursue what it is she wanted and she would do it with all the vigor and passion she knew how. Something however was amiss, when the man of the house brought home an unexpected woman.
When Debbie hears the two of them getting hot and heavy she sneaks in to take a peak. What would happen next would change their relationship forever.
This book is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or actual events is entirely coincidental. Any names, characters, places, businesses, and events are strictly from the imagination of the author.
Copyright 2015
I was very grateful for the life that was afforded to me. I had everything I could have possibly wanted. My mother married a Billionaire when I was a young. Too young to know he wasn’t my father. I had only known him and he has been a wonderful provider, protector, and confidant. We lived in a palatial palace, on the ocean and most days were beautiful ones, the ones that were not were rare.
Today is one of those incredible days. I was sitting at the table by the ocean looking at the sea. The sun is shining, the sky is bright blue. You can hear the ocean waves gently crashing onto the shore. An Osprey flies overhead, that bird always amazed me, its enormous size was so majestic so prehistoric. It flew with such ease, yet such intention, such purpose. At the same time, I could not help and think how lonely they always seemed. It was rare that I would see them in pairs and it made me wonder if they ever actually partnered long enough to be happy.
Eventually, I had to leave one of my favorite places by the sea to prepare to go to work. I didn’t have to work, but I loved to work. My job was taking care of children; it was the most important thing to me in the world. I made my way around to the side of the house. We had a vast expanse of land all around the house, and this side is where all the staff seemed to congregate. I noticed that they were all sitting around doing nothing. They always appeared to do nothing when Step Father wasn’t paying attention, what did they care? We lived in an enormous house and there was just 2 of us. There was not enough work for the large staff that we employed, but there was so much money there was no point to getting rid of them either. I felt sorry that they seemed to take advantage of Step Father, but I had no control over them and really we had so much money anyways, what was the difference. I could tell him what happens when he is not here, but that was not the type of person I am.
“Hi, Ms. Debbie.”
“Oh Hi, Cindy.”
Cindy was our Baker; we were lucky enough to have one on staff to make us fresh bread and other goodies daily. The house always had the sweet smell of baked goods, which in my estimation was worth having a baker on its own merit. It was strange to me to be so wealthy and most people of privilege get used to this whole being rich thing. I guess because I was not truly born into it, I never really got used to it. I was very young when this all took place and was thankful every day for Step coming into my life that. Step was what I called him, Dad never seemed right, and stepfather was too long.
There were some hard times at the mansion when Mother and Step divorced. My mother was a hard woman. A hard, demanding woman and for my sanctity I decided to stay with Step. I think I made the right decision to stay here. I looked over to the baker as she began to speak.
“Ms. Debbie, I have made you some fresh bread for breakfast, it is on the table if you would like it. Unless of course you would want me to bring it to you so you can sit by the seaside. I am happy to do so.”
I hated the fact that it seemed like these people were enslaved to me and that they owed me their attention, so it was rare that I would accept the help that they offered. However sitting by the sea eating fresh bread sounded like a great idea.
“Thanks for the idea Cindy, I am going to go and get it myself and eat it by the sea, don’t trouble yourself, I like the walk.”
Cindy smiled at me and nodded her head. She used to fight me when I wanted to do things on my own, but we have since then come to an understanding that when I sa
y no, I mean no. There is no hidden agenda; there is no unsaid words, nothing like that.
I took a moment to turn around and look at the ocean view we had; I always loved the sea. Our yard in the back was a large expanse of green grass, perfectly groomed by the onsite gardener; he was amazing. The grass looked like the green on a golf course. At the end of the grass was our private beach that usually had a few of our friends and or family there at any time on the weekends. I could not blame them, it was just too beautiful.